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Olio Extravergine Toscano Fanciulli

oil mill and production

Gathering and withdrawal cycle,
type of crusher and
olive standby times
frantoio olive siena

Our extra virgin olive oil is produced exclusively with healthy olives picked directly from the plant and transformed within twelve hours.

The oil extraction, performed by mechanical and physical methods which do not affect the original characteristics of the fruit, is carried out after the washing of the olives with water at ambient temperature. The oil must be packaged in the production area in bottles or cans.

The olives, coming from appropriately selected olive groves, are harvested by hand and mechanized methods in an early stage compared to the full maturity, and always in relation to the type of olive. The processing cycle, after the removal of the leaves made by a leaf stripper machine, provides for a mechanic “crushing”. he paste thus obtained passes to the kneading machine, where it is maintained at a temperature between 20 and 23 °C, before being launched at the stage of actual extraction, which therefore takes place at low temperature, to enhance the aromatic and organoleptic characteristics typical of the oil.

Conservation and oil natural settling takes place in stainless steel tanks.

Finally the oil thus produced, before passing to the controls of the proper Commissions provided for by the regulations, is subjected to a further corporate selection to maintain an effective quality standard.

dop terre di siena

History and territory

Olive growing in the Siena territory has ancient origins dating back to the Middle Ages. The presence of the oil is documented in works of art and paintings of the time. This olive oil has valuable properties, so much so as to earn it the Protected Designation of Origin. It is produced in Tuscany, specifically throughout the province of Siena.

Production method

In order for a product to maintain its levels of excellence, as well as its peculiarities, it is essential to follow a very precise methodology, both in terms of production as well as in its transformation. The Terre di Siena Olive Oil is obtained from the fruits of olive trees of at least two of the following varieties: Frantoio, Correggiolo, Leccino and Moraiolo. The olive harvest must follow a very precise method: the olives are gathered manually or with mechanical means directly from the tree, during the period between the month of October and December 31 of each ear. They must be conserved inside rigid containers in cool, ventilated rooms. The pressing must take place within 72 hours of harvest, and within 24 hours of being stored in the press. Moreover, they must be washed with water at room temperature.


Terre di Siena olive oil is a highly appreciated condiment, due to its markedly fruity taste with spicy notes and slight hints of bitterness. It is excellent as is, for dressing salads and soups. Among its most frequent uses are for legume based soups, traditional dishes (ribollita and panzanella), with “pinzimonio” of fresh vegetables or on bruschetta It is also perfect for making roasts, stews and for frying.

Olioextravergine toscano dop terre di siena

igp toscano

Olio extravergine di Oliva Igp Toscano
History and territory

Tuscany is a perfect balance of nature and art, beauty of the land and climate. It is here that an excellent extra virgin olive oil is born, a result of an age-old tradition. The variety of the olive trees and the techniques of cultivation, harvesting of the olives at the right stage of ripeness and meticulous workmanship, combine to create an incomparable product, recognizable in flavour, which brings with it all the nuances of this land. Infact each area of Tuscany has tracts that differentiate it and make it unique, just like the oil that comes from there. hat’s why Toscan PGI produced throughout the region is characterized by its own specific feature, which can slightly alter different accents of taste. This can be discovered through the exploration of various production areas.

Production method

The oil undergoes a chemical and sensory analysis (it is submitted to a tasting by a panel of experts designated by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies) in order to check its compliance with PGI regulations. The result is a 100% Tuscan oil, with a very strong link to the territory and its own specific identity. Toscan PGI extra virgin olive is guaranteed by the European certification PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) and by strict production specifications.
Tuscan extra virgin olive oil – a unique heritage of the territory and culture of this region – has been protected by the Protected Geographical Indication since 1998.


Extra virgin olive oil PGI offers a unique sensory experience because it is the result of an extraordinary land and of the labour of people who love what they do. The result is a gourmet olive oil with a well-defined character: fruity sensations of artichoke, fresh grass or almond, accompanied by typical bitter and spicy notes which makes it decisive, but well balanced. Our gourmet olive oil enhances the taste of food with its infinite shades and gives a unique touch to Mediterranean and typical Tuscan cuisine. he features of Toscano extra virgin olive oil PGI make it a first choice for many chefs but also for those who love to cook simple and genuine recipes of the Tuscan cuisine with a touch of panache at home.



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